Case Anyplace - Case Management Software is Medical Case Management Software, Vocational Case Management Software, Workers Compensation Case Management Software, Telephonic Case Management Software, Catastrophic Case Management Software, Auto Liability Case Management Software, as well as many others.
This system is designed to be adaptive to your Case Management company's existing case types, work flows, reporting and invoicing needs.
Case Anyplace uses two main components, an Online Module and an Offline Module.
The Online Module is available as a cloud solution or on your own servers. The system runs on desktop computers, laptops, tablets (IPad, Android, Windows), Smart Phones (IPhone, Android, Windows).
The Offline Module will allow your Case Managers\Nurses the ability to work in the field disconnected from the internet while meeting with doctors and claimants. Case Managers can work in the field during the day and then have their work uploaded when they get home at night. Your organization will gain tremendous efficiencies without the investment of cell cards or worrying about network availability.
The Case Managers single entry of information will feed payroll reports, client reporting (initial, progress, closure, etc...) and invoicing\billing. The system allows for Supervisor and Administrator oversight and will work well in an enterprise that is spread across the country as well as on a single user basis.
All reporting and work flows can be customized to meet your standards, guidelines, and formats.
We handle the following Case Management types:
Medical, Vocational, Catastrophic, Peer Review, IME, Life Care Plan, Telephonic, Records Review, Records Retrieval, and many others!
Interested in seeing what Case Anyplace - Case Management Software can do for your business?
Click below and discover all the benefits Case Anyplace can provide for your organization with a live online demo.

Medical Case Managment Software
Workers Comp Case Managment Software
Catastrophic Case Management Software